Blue Green Hummingbird

Los Tarrales reserve ranges from the lowlands at 750 m elevation to the top of the volcano at 3500 m, providing different bird habitats. More than 350 bird species have been recorded in Los Tarrales. The preserve is part of the Atitlán Important Bird Area (IBA GT015), designated by BirdLife International.
The entire altitudinal range is accessible on trails of different difficulty, from easy to walk to very tough hikes. Los Tarrales lodge is located at 750 m and surrounded by the small village, the coffee processing plant, coffee and ornamental flower plantations, and secondary growth. Several Cinnamon Hummingbirds defend their territories around the lodge and flocks of Pacific, Orange-fronted, and Orange-chinned Parakeet do often rest in nearby trees. White-bellied Chachalacas are often seen in secondary scrub.
Fruit feeders at the lodge are visited by Yellow-throated and Scub euphonias, Yellow-winged and Blue-gray tanagers, Spot-breasted, Altimira, and Baltimore orioles, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Rufous-naped Wren, Black-headed Saltator, Summer Tanager, Red-legged Honeycreeper, White-throated Magpie-Jay, Clay-colored Thrush, White-bellied Chachalaca, Blue-crowned Motmot, Melodious Blackbird and others.
La Rinconada trail is a 1200 m long loop through shade coffee plantation at about 800 m elevation. This is our most productive birding trail; skilled birders can observe more than 100 bird species on good days. The trail offers views over the canopy of Inga trees, which are visited by foraging tanagers (White-winged, Western, Yellow-winged), and several nectar feeding birds like Baltimore Orioles, Red-legged Honeycreeper, and several hummingbirds like Blue-tailed and Ruby-throated Hummingbird, White-bellied Emerald and Blue-throated Goldentail. Dense patches of secondary growth scrub are the habitat of White-eared Ground-Sparrow, Rufous-(Chestnut)-capped Warbler, and Plain Wren. Long-tailed Manakins can be seen year-round.
To access the cloud forest on the upper volcano slope you may reserve a hike with the reserve's own 4-wheel-drive vehicle, which will bring you to an elevation of 1400 m (4260 ft), where the Azure-rumped Tanager can be seen. From there you will ascend with your guide the steep slope of the volcano to search for Horned Guans, Green-throated Mountain-gems, Black-throated Jays, and other cloud forest birds. This is a very tough hike for which it is recommended to stay in the Tarrales Lodge the night before, to be able to start early in the morning. Reservation in advance is required to access the cloud forest, since the number of visitors is limited.
Here on this page you can book all your tours and visits to Tarrales Natural Reserve. Please note that some prices may vary as we offer discounts on a per person basis when groups are over a certain size so your total may be different that what is listed on this page.